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Volunteer Opportunity

Updated: Aug 12, 2023

The Joe Chithalen Memorial Musical Instrument Lending Library (Joe’s M.I.L.L) is recruiting volunteers to join its Board of Directors.

The M.I.L.L. was formed by family and friends in May 1999, shortly after the untimely death of Joe Chithalen, a well-known Kingston musician.

The Library has undergone tremendous growth and now has over 1,000 instruments and accessories available to borrow and close to 1,000 active borrowers. This growth is the result of an increased focus on financial sustainability, a strong team of employees and volunteers, and increased recognition and branding within the community.

In order to ensure the continued growth and sustainability of Joe’s M.I.L.L., the Board is looking to recruit keen individuals to lead and/or help with a variety of projects. The Board is looking in particular for volunteers who have experience in marketing, communications and event planning. For succession planning purposes, the Board is also looking to recruit an individual with expertise in finance to help with the Treasurer function.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please complete the Volunteer Registration form on our website at the following link.

Thanks to Our Supporters

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